Page name: new communities - film makers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-08 03:36:18
Last author: EveEnthrall
Owner: Paz
# of watchers: 35
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You like Elftown and other Heddate communities?? Do you like movies?? Then we have an idea for you! ;)
Well, we're combining the two. To make a website for lovers and makers of films so they can finally have a place to discuss their love and show off their work!

Basic Outline:
The idea of a film-lover/maker community is to bring together a group of members who enjoy watching, making, directing and/or writing screenplays for films! There will be discussions in forums, on wikis and anywhere on the site! Special features will/can include a special e-zine, a wiki for up-coming movies (in any country if possible), contests, a Trivia for the big movie buffs and etc!
Here are some complied ideas:
- The use of superwikis similar to the superwikis on Musmakers only modified in some way to be able to upload moving image files as well as sound.
- The use of superwikis like on WC for screenplay and script uploads.
- Some other cool features that can be discussed here: Film-Lovers: Features
This place will be very much like Elftown, you can upload art from your movies and even have some celebrity photos in your description!! The rules here will be lax in some ways and very strict in many other ways. We hope to make this place as enjoyable as possible as possible for the members and if any further questions are needed we are going to be here to help anyone out.

Our crew includes E-zine workers, Bosses, Guards, Council, Badgers/Graphic Designers, and many other positions. The council is not posted here (because there is no one on the council) but a list of members you can go to for questions or comments will be posted. If you are looking for a position on the council you must prove to be a HARD WORKER, you must be willing to put in hours of slave labour, and most of all you must be pleasent to work with! We want only competant workers!

Crew Members you Can contact:
1. [Paz] - Director
2. [Teufelsweib]- Asst. Director
4. [iippo]
5. [Firenze]
- These members know the most about the community, so message them with your questions and/or comments about the community.

Anyone looking to further help the community, please notify us!! We need all the help we can get!!!
If you are interested in helping we will give you the crew pages necessary for you to see. Be sure to READ over everything until you start to make comments and submit ideas.


We'll need many members!
30-60 members would be good but more would definately be awesome! By sighing up you show interest, you might become a beta tester or maybe even become part of the crew! We need as many members as possible! Without you we cannot make this happen! Oh yes, and if you have any friends and aquaintences outside the heddate sites please send the word to them. If they show an interest then this place has a better chance of getting up and running :).

Sign up your support here! (By signing up you might be a potential beta-tester/crew member)

1. [prowlie] - actually got this crazy snowball rolling! XD
2. [Paz]
3. [Tyrana] - Screen plays/claymation/stop-time animation in general/music videos/soundtrack... hooray!
4. [iippo]
5. [Trennas] -- Makes his own animation shorts ^^
6. [Dizaniel]
7. [Catlover]
8. [Lothuriel] - Desires to be a screen play writer more than she desires air
9. [Faery]
10. [rhyswolfie] commercials and music videos. check out but need quicktime to watch the video clips at
11. [MageyDePink]
12. [Isilando]
13. [nokaredes]
14. [EmeraldGrizzly]
15. [Amrhi]
16. [alatar45]
17. [Saphyr]
18. [Azuri] I <3 movies and hope to be making my own animations soon^_^
19. [Piggly_wiggly] This sounds cool. I've always wanted to make short films :D
20. [Teufelsweib]
21. [evil beavle]
22. [Draco Dralion] As a Digital Character Animation student this would be just a great place for me.
23. [Broccoli]
24. [L?se]
25. [Niemand]
26. [LOLNERD.]
27. [Iuna]
28. [Boba Fett]
29. [Firenze]
30. [unavailable]
31. [Sauron]
32. [PikkuKitaraPoika] I have made 3 movies so far with my friends. 2 of them are stoner comedies called, "Brad and Tom's Early Awakening" and "Brad and Tom's Big Big Fight". The other, (my first movie), is titled, "The 2 McClain's", it is a comedy/silly horror. All three are on DVD and I plan to make more!
33. [Ultiem] over zealous fast worker on similar communities. Yes indeed i want to help
34. [I stabbith ye] - I want a cool comment...hmm *dances* YAY! (oh yes....go films!)
35. [cobwebb] Yey, I make funny films with my friends :]
36. [Count Pinkula] The next Steven Speilberg right here. Talk to me if you want to know why
37. [RiddleRose] I'm gonna take a filmmaking class soon... should be fun! <---- was not sarcastic
38. [Aliz]
39. [Stephen] Why not? :P
40. [Talia_Civer] i want to help out! i have many ideas already and stuff... so.... yesh....
41. [Vader] I need somewhere to show my stop-frame movies ^_^
42. [Jez] I am a film star!!!! WOOOO
43. [Zeltros] weeeh!
44. [Esar]
45. [Sillydeadweight] Creater of the Electric Shock Studio, whicj in a few months will start to make it's first movie^^
46. [og_ghost] - I love movies. I make movies. I want to help.
47. [earthkynd] - hmm movies.
48. [The Third Eye] - I love making movies, but prefer (and am better at) making animated movies ^_^´ Anyhow, I wanna help! XD
49. [Blaithin]
50. [Deadlock jester]
51. [The Coffee-Prophet]- I'm quite a movieophile, made some movies before, and I'm hoping to make a living of it eventually. Manically trivia-interested and I think most movies are best on the cinema.
52. [Luke Skywalker]
53. [EveEnthrall]- I love movies and have some knowledge on them, I'm also planning to go into the film and entertainment industry.

If you want to become part of the crew and/or help out in some way please contact [Paz] (Director) or [Teufelsweib] (The Asst. Director) and we'll give you the secret crew page to this place.

~NOTE: you don't have to MAKE films to join! it's for film makers and lovers alike!~


We're not exactly knowledgeable about the programming side of things so help in that area would be greatly appreciated!
(Programmers are the most needed at this point, you can volunteer here!)
1. [Stephen] I can do basic things. I'm learning more though.

We'll also need people to design stuff, make icons, etc.
You can volunteer here! If you think that you cannot help in the future then don't sign up, thank you.
graphic artists:
1. [Tyrana]
2. [Paz]
3. [Azuri]

Film-Lovers: Border Contest


oh, and we'll be needing a name :D

Here are the ideas that were thought up by a few members and they are posted in the wiki-poll below. Vote on what you think our name should/could be.

ideas for name:
-'sticky floor soceity'
-'celluloid addicts' - both from [Trennas]
-'filmpack' - [prowlie]
- action! - [Teufelsweib]
- 'Moviewood' Movie and Hollywood and perhaps Elfwood? - [Draco Dralion]
-'filmlovers' - [Paz] (something simple, I guess)
- 'filmstudio' - [Firenze]
- 'filmfanatics' - [Firenze]

1668) What should our name be? (names are subject to change on a later date) (Administrator: [Paz])

Number of voters: 50
* a) Sticky floor society
Number of votes: 6 (12%) Voters: [LOLNERD.], [Niemand], [Piggly_wiggly], [Tyrana], [minifer], [Perplexity]

* b) Celluloid Addicts
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Airawende]

* c) **Name Taken** (No Votes!)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* d) Action
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* e) Movie-wood
Number of votes: 31 (62%) Voters: [Azuri], [iippo], [Teufelsweib], [Ace118], [L?se], [Draco Dralion], [prowlie], [alatar45], [Speedy89], [Dragonhearted elfgirl], [Isilando], [I stabbith ye], [UL_ILINDITH], [ga_inja], [cobwebb], [Amrhi], [evil beavle], [Dizaniel], [RiddleRose], [Islene the night spirit], [vagabond faery], [Stephen], [Broccoli], [Zeltros], [Jez], [Sillydeadweight], [Nostradamia], [Iuna], [The Third Eye], [The Coffee-Prophet], [Diiwica]

* f) filmlovers
Number of votes: 3 (6%) Voters: [Paz], [Lothuriel], [Luke Skywalker]

* g) filmstudio
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Count Pinkula]

* h) filmfanatics
Number of votes: 8 (16%) Voters: [Catlover], [Firenze], [PikkuKitaraPoika], [Faery], [Ultiem], [Deadlock jester], [Saphyr], [Corazie]

film community allies


still have any questions?

see if you can find an answer to them at film-lovers: FAQ, or feel free to ask them in the comment-box!


back to new communities

Username (or number or email):


2006-03-02 [Ultiem]: Like this? or this sorry it was just funny to do at the time

2006-03-02 [Paz]: Ugh... please don't randomly spam here -_-' 

2006-03-02 [Ultiem]: i try not to

2006-03-03 [Stephen]: @.@ Huge is annoying. and Paz hates spam. :P

2006-03-03 [Teufelsweib]: she ain't the only spam hater around here

2006-03-04 [prowlie]: eewww spam ><

2006-03-04 [iippo]: Ultiem, wouldn't you please just take off the huge-tag from your comment? >.O

2006-03-04 [Ultiem]: ok

2006-03-18 [prowlie]: hmmm.... so what's the next step? do we twiddle our thumbs and sit around for even more members? or what? are all the positions filled?

2006-03-18 [Teufelsweib]: we aren't finished yet, we aren't even near finished...

2006-03-18 [prowlie]: i know i know.... but things seem to have kinda ground to a halt lately i guess... i dunno... what's next?

2006-03-18 [Ultiem]: need...actuall site to get started

2006-03-18 [prowlie]: that's waaaay off... unfortunately V_V i just need to know what goes between that and now, really^^ it doesnt matter that much...

2006-03-18 [Teufelsweib]: we still have quite a lot of things to be done on the 'secret wiki's', thought they are indeed not really going that quick now anymore, there aren't much people working on them,

2006-03-18 [Ultiem]: i dont have anything to do though

2006-03-18 [Teufelsweib]: do you have the link to the wiki pages including everything?

2006-03-18 [Ultiem]: yes

2006-03-18 [Paz]: The best thing you can do at this point is fix the typos and grammatical errors that are common throughout the pages. Also you can see if something needs any modification, like the rules, the features, the application form, etc. ;)

2006-03-19 [RiddleRose]: heh. if you need help editing pages the supreme walking dictionary is at your service... XD

2006-03-19 [iippo]: Also bombarding ideas of new features etc "how to make it different from ET and other sites enough to make it worth making" are welcome. We don't want the dreadful [Hedda] to respond "there's no point in making thsi community because you all can just use ET" or something like that.

2006-03-19 [Draco Dralion]: Is the biggest idea behind the film cominty not tha it's basicly the same as Elftown with the _huge_ diffirence that there is the posibility to upload movies instead of pics? [Hedda] can't say no to that!

2006-03-19 [Teufelsweib]: there are other sites where you can upload movies... we have to try to change as much as possible to make in unique!

2006-03-19 [Draco Dralion]: sites such as? Perhaps if we all take a look at them we can find easier things to make this one unique from the others

2006-03-19 [iippo]: I think in MySpace you can upload near anything...? *doesn't use it but that's the idea I've got*

2006-03-19 [prowlie]: my original thought for it was that it was more for people who make the movies to show off, or to exchange ideas, or to just discuss, y'know? not so much like a big movie database or something, just where people can talk about their favourite movies, or how to make their own movies, or maybe even to find other people who want to do the same, and collaborate?

2006-03-19 [Draco Dralion]: My first impression about MySpace: a reglar community where you can upload pictures aswell as movies. The huge difference is, the movie community would focus on movies. Personal, self made movies. Discuss them and learn about them. It would also be a place just to talk about movies. MySpace has not really something to focus on. To conclude, main difference: This community would be a movie community (obviously), To discuss AND upload SELF MADE movies of any kind.

2006-03-19 [iippo]: That much we have as well in the secret pages. But if anyone has a bright idea of what else could be there, we're interested to hear it out.

2006-03-19 [alatar45]: if were going to be doing mostly home made movies we need to have someone to check all of them befor they are put up and i have one now that we could put up

2006-03-19 [iippo]: Check them, how? The quality, the fact that it's not stolen from another site, or the filetype?

2006-03-19 [alatar45]: no for content make sure someone is not puting porn or things like that

2006-03-19 [Ultiem]: movies?....bandwith may hurt

2006-03-19 [iippo]: There will have to be a way to delete the movie from the site permanently if someone abuses the uploading like that. But before the file goes there, I don't think it can/will be checked. // Ehm, explain [Ultiem]? Why is that?

2006-03-19 [Teufelsweib]: we already have a basic idea of guards checking movies when uploaded before others are allowed to view them. then the guards can rate the movie.

2006-03-19 [Ultiem]: because the size and loading time it takes to download movies a 30 second clip may not be too bad but what you are talking about is somewhere along the lines of 3-4 minutes? a 3-4 minute clip outfitted for broadband is at least 20 mg and that may not seem bad now but 1000s of members uploading useless or useful stuff about that size it can hurt bandwith as people may wanna download at the same time....bandwith may not be a problem now but its something to look at in the future

2006-03-19 [prowlie]: won't donations and such help with bandwidth? -knows nothihng about this-

2006-03-19 [Ultiem]: donations to that site will be used upgrade krill which is what the site may be placed on. alot of memory will be needed to up the bandwith

2006-03-19 [prowlie]: oh, okay... so will that present quite a serious problem in the future if this gets up and running?

2006-03-19 [Ultiem]: just a bit so meaning to preserve the bandwith we would have to impliment an activity level on the clip..if no one watches it why should it be there?

2006-03-19 [prowlie]: maybe, but there should be some warning for the maker of the film, so it doesnt just disappear off the website...

2006-03-19 [Draco Dralion]: Could be considerd, but will introduce an other (already known) problem. The "Take a look at my awsome movie" messages. If I read everything well here, cause I'm a little confused..

2006-03-19 [prowlie]: well, i don't know, i mean... advertising's one thing, but if we're deciding how long the video should stay up depending on the number of hits they get then that could present a problem, you're right, draco...

2006-03-19 [Ultiem]: advertising shouldnt be a major issue i mean which would you prefer  annoyance or the function of a site

2006-03-20 [nokaredes]: The problems I have with checking movies before they are uploaded are 1. who gets to decide what gets in and what doesn't? Different moderators disallow different things, even with rules......and 2. Won't that take a lot of time, especially with 20 minute movies? *thinks of Elfwood's 20-day ticket queue*

2006-03-21 [Paz]: We will not be checking every movie uploaded. We're going to run on an honour system here and leave it up to the members to obey the rules. [nokaredes] makes an excellent point that some guards have different preferences and it will take quite a long time. Hopefully we'll have people who act as patrollers and report movies that cause a problem.

2006-03-21 [iippo]: And if I remember correctly, therw will be an uploading-movie priv: if you mess up, you don't get to upload anymore movies and the 'wrong' one will also be removed.

2006-03-21 [Ultiem]: im known to be a good patroller...never been a guard before but i know the system

2006-03-21 [Teufelsweib]: we'll decide who deserve the title guard, patroller or whatsoever when the communty is up and working. til then people will have to deserve a place.

2006-03-21 [Ultiem]: ask orestez or firenze i got my credits

2006-03-21 [Firenze]: Been both guard and patroller and the system is relatively simple...

2006-03-21 [iippo]: The point was that the titles are not yet on the table. The entire community isn't even on the table yet (not on [Hedda]'s table at least)

2006-03-21 [Teufelsweib]: oh, I'll keep track of what you do within this community. that's all what matters here ;)

2006-03-21 [Ultiem]: alrighty

2006-03-21 [Firenze]: Fair enough ^_^

2006-03-21 [prowlie]: and if you wanna be a guard you have to suck up to me, anyway XD

2006-03-21 [Ultiem]: i dont do well at sucking up....

2006-03-21 [Teufelsweib]: making improvements to the community will do better than sucking up, trust my words ;)

2006-03-21 [prowlie]: yeah... i were only kidding XD you can if you want, it'll entertain me, i guess.... wont make much of a difference as to whether or not you get guardage though XD [Teufelsweib]'s right^^

2006-03-21 [Teufelsweib]: [Paz] and I are here to make sure things will not go as [prowlie] actually would want it to go: sucking up, sending presents etc... (just kidding :P)

2006-03-21 [prowlie]: :D yeah... imagine how retarded things were if i didnt have you guys amending things :3

2006-03-21 [Teufelsweib]: one big prowlie-shrine? :P

2006-03-21 [prowlie]: hell YES!

2006-03-21 [Paz]: Oh, someone's ego is getting a HUGE boost!! XD Yes, we're going to wait until the community gets running before the council and the guards are decided. Guard training would be good because priv 14 is actually rather confusing at first (i have priv 14 on CH). So it's best we know what we are doing...

2006-03-22 [Teufelsweib]: guard training... sounds cool

2006-03-22 [Ultiem]: i help with training

2006-03-29 [Teufelsweib]: thank you, all help is appreciated :)

2006-03-29 [Paz]: It is and I thank you all for your wonderful work ;)

2006-03-29 [Teufelsweib]: thank us when the site is up and running!

2006-03-29 [Firenze]: Indeed

2006-03-29 [Paz]: I shall :) I have messaged Hedda, mainly for advice purposes... so we'll wait on what happens next :P

2006-03-29 [Teufelsweib]: advice... love it :)

2006-04-07 [Tyrana]: Aha! Vader! Another stop-framer! Hooray!

2006-04-20 [Vader]: YAY! :P Stop frame kicks ass! Feck all that CGI bullpoo :P 

2006-04-20 [Teufelsweib]: please, no cursing in the commentbox... >.> we have to keep it as decent as possible here

2006-04-20 [Tyrana]: Yes, yes. It's Stop frame kicks "cute little bum" ! "forget" all that CGI "sillyness" or "nonsense." Let's not be offensive when insulting peoples' choice in self-expression and creativity, now. ;-)... I heart Stop-frame... DOMINATION! Mwahaha...

2006-04-20 [Vader]: Exactly :)

2006-04-20 [Paz]: Also, I'm a spam hater and I would rather keep this wiki open for any questions or comments a member may have :P So please do not chat here

2006-04-29 [Paz]: I hate to break it to everyone but I need you to change your vote if you voted for 'Moviewood' because the site name is taken :( --> <>

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: blah that sucks i really dont like any of the other names :/

2006-04-29 [Draco Dralion]: Can I give another proposal? What about It doesn't exist yet. It comes from "moving pictures" + "wood". Moving pictures is wider than movies anyways, and a moving wood sounds nice to me aswell...

2006-04-29 [Teufelsweib]: that's quite far fetched though...

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: yea but it sounds like then that we are acually transporting wood

2006-04-29 [prowlie]: well, moving wood sounds like a fun thing to do... -arranges some wood around in the back garden--rearranges wood- , besides, look -->;tracked=&partnerid=&;language=e the domain is for sale.... ^^;

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: well its not like we couldnt make it www.(add something here) after all none of the websites in the hedda sites are just whatever they are named though you can get to most of them by just typing in elftown or elfpack or whatever they are named

2006-04-29 [prowlie]: yeah, so it would be

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: yea

2006-04-29 [iippo]: Or it could be or or or etc...

2006-04-29 [Stephen]:  <--- I don't think you could do that. That's the Elfwood and Elftown server..

2006-04-29 [Teufelsweib]: I like the idea of [iippo]

2006-04-29 [Stephen]: could be used.

2006-04-29 [iippo]: movie-Wood, silly, not mood :P

2006-04-29 [Stephen]: lol! Oops. works too, XD

2006-04-29 [prowlie]: wouldnt any heddate site be run from lysator? elfwood is, too, that's all i know..

2006-04-29 [Stephen]: It depends, I guess. I can't say for certian. :P

2006-04-29 [Paz]: All the Heddate sites run from either Elftron or Krill, Elfwood has its own servers :P But all the sites end in However, you need to have the simple .com name anyways because members can still reach elftown through either or It doesn't matter if the lysator address comes after it

2006-04-29 [Paz]: I don't see why we can't do movie-wood :P I'll modify the poll. Plus, Hedda gets the final name descision anyways

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: well id hope Hedda wouldnt veto the most popular vote, gotta give the crowd what they want. ya kno?

2006-04-29 [Paz]: Still, he is the programmer :P I really don't care what it is but he wants it to be something that people can remember easily

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: well personally i think moviewood is easy to remember but then again that might be because im partal to it. and your right he is the programmer and what the programmer say goes, goes

2006-04-29 [Paz]: The name is taken already :P So if anyone wants a name that's more accustomed to memory you can always revote.

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: well like they said isnt :-P all your doing is adding a -

2006-04-29 [iippo]: It would be funny to call it FilmFanatics'Sanctuary, abbreviation: FFS. XD

2006-04-29 [Azuri]: XD FilmFreaksSantuary XD

2006-04-30 [Corazie]: Can I link from Movie Mania?

2006-04-30 [iippo]: To this page? Most certainly, all advertising is mostly welcomed! :3

2006-04-30 [Paz]: That it is :3 I'll create an affiliates section here, just link us back! ;)

2006-04-30 [prowlie]: we've already got an allies wiki :3

2006-04-30 [Paz]: Ah! We do XD

2006-05-01 [Teufelsweib]: really? :O

2006-05-01 [Esar]: A small sugestion for a name : "Movienism"

2006-05-21 [og_ghost]: Suggestion for a name: "cinephile"

2006-05-30 [prowlie]: uhhh yeah.... <diary:800332> <diary:800483>.... bye, guys...

2006-05-31 [Paz]: Alright, I so I guess that means that you won't be a director here anymore :/ That means I guess I'm taking over

2006-05-31 [prowlie]: [Azuri] gets my place. that's the one thing i say. she'll do a way better job than me anyway, as soon as she's all cosy and moved into her new place

2006-05-31 [Teufelsweib]: I've never seen [Azuri] before, or seen her doing anything for the community. isn't that something we all should decide about together?

2006-05-31 [iippo]: *also is surprised of name* Nepotism?

2006-05-31 [Paz]: We'll see how things go :/ She needs the experience in at least council things before we can automatically boost her to boss.

2006-05-31 [Paz]: It should be a voting matter anyways (not that I have anything against azuri) but just randomly throwing someone in your place is not the way to do it

2006-05-31 [Teufelsweib]: why should see deserve a place as a boss? I can understand that you [Paz] and [prowlie] deserved a place as boss but... not being rude and it could be that I've missed something but I didn't saw her doing anything for this community before :/

2006-05-31 [Paz]: She started the Myspace and email accounts and that's about it :/ Although we appreciate [Azuri]'s help it just takes a lot to be a boss... council member prehaps

2006-05-31 [Teufelsweib]: what do you mean, my help? I have no intencion to be boss if that's what you mean! no way, I don't have enough time for such a thing... I meant [Azuri]

2006-05-31 [Paz]: No I meant Azuri! XD You've done a lot of work to earn Asst. Director! I'll edit the posting

2006-05-31 [Teufelsweib]: hahahaha XD I took it wrong then :P it's just that I don't think that because you've left here you can appoint one of your friends to take over. this is a serious matter, not a friend politic

2006-05-31 [Paz]: lol :P Tiz okay. I agree, it should be a community descision

2006-06-03 [Count Pinkula]: Hello, everyone, I have a few films on, look up. Eclipse A Campfire story and The Time Machine. Thank you

2006-06-08 [prowlie]: point of interest: just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it isn't there... if you look around you'll see she has made many good points and had ideas. theyre not all public, [Paz] knows about some of them. fel does more work than i ever did. right now she's moving into a new flat. surely you guys think this project is a future thing, not a present thing? once she's moved in she'll be able to be more active (if she wants to that is) don't you think you should ask her? nothing really important's happening right now, it's not like we're up and running or anything. oh, and maybe you should think about lightening up a little, too... this is supposed to be a happy, fun thing! right?

2006-06-08 [Paz]: We know it's a future thing, and we know that this probably won't happen any time soon. We're not doubting her abilities, see might do a great job put what we need to see is commitment and her actually doing something to benefit the community. We're not trying to be mean and buckle down and yes, this community is going to be considerably more lax and exciting than some of the other communities but we can't elect a new director based on that they're a) never done anything b) are voted on by one person. If she shows us that she'll do a good job she might make council or even guard once the community is created. We're not unhappy for her help and assistance, we just have a problem with

2006-06-08 [Paz]: her automatically being made director on the vote of one person (even if it's the old directors vote). [Azuri] needs to show us that she's a capable leader and we'll notice and consider her for crew :) Honestly, we're not trying to be mean and bitter but trying to prevent giving the title and then having her never work (not saying she won't). We'll see how she does and then consider something

2006-06-08 [Firenze]: I agree with [Paz] a leader should be the choice of the entire group not just a one person decision.

2006-06-08 [og_ghost]: Question: Does this place apply to things such as, say, flash movies?

2006-06-08 [Paz]: Yes :) It's combined into animations

2006-06-08 [PikkuKitaraPoika]: flash movies kick hyenee! that is, they are "cool"

2006-06-08 [og_ghost]: Understood.

2006-07-11 [The Third Eye]: I agree with [prowlie], though it's nice to be organised, this thing started out of fun and happiness, right? Well, it sounds like it's heading for dictatorship right now, and in all honesty, the element of fun seems to have disappeared. There's a line between organised fun, and over-organised god-modding...personally I think you're making this into a miniature business with a vicious hierachy, as opposed to the enjoyable community it was intended to be...what can I say, power gets to the heads of some people...and one more thing, isn't this place supposed to be called 'Moviewood'? Surely it doesn't take MONTHS just to change a banner..and 'Moviewood' is better than 'Film-lovers' 

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: 1. the name: the name isn't sure yet since [Hedda] first has to approve about the name before we can start settling that. til now we use 'film-lovers' as a name to refer this too, since it's clear enough what this wiki is about. the official name for this community will be decided on a later date. 2. can I ask you where you see dictatorship, besides the fact that [Paz] and I controll this place since we've MADE this place. [prowlie] started it, therefor [prowlie] used to be a director here before she left. and when rules are ought to be made, strictness is needed. we need some clear organized rules here, else there won't even be a community.

2006-07-11 [iippo]: This wiki is called film lovers because it was a temporary name, and with the way wiki works, there is no reason to change the name into moviewood, because then you'd actually be creating a whole new wiki, not just re-naming. And the banner is for this wiki, not for the community. Look at it this way: "film lovers" stands for us, the people who want the community about cinema made, while Moviewood might be the name of that community.

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: exactly ;)

2006-07-11 [Azuri]: ::gets all confused:: good to know that theres still life in this place I supose, prowlie was right i was getting settled into a new home in a brand new state with my fiance. On the dictatorship I kinda have to agree and I can see why Prowlie had given up any control over it when Paz and Slavork did everything without even consulting her even though it was her idea to begin with :/ Not that Im dissing you guys in anyway, after all you did alot of work and to be honest I dont have the time to put into this right now. I work full time at a gas station to make my bills and have college to deal with. If the site ever makes it up into production Id love to beta test but thats about as far as my

2006-07-11 [Azuri]: capablitiys extend to at this point and will for awhile

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: we didn't consult [prowlie] in the end anymore, indeed. mostly because we never saw her anywhere helping around. if she was still commited and let us know, of course we would. but isn't it unfair having to keep someone in mind and have her approval whatever we do, no matter how less she actually has to do with it? nothing against prowlie of course...

2006-07-11 [Paz]: I did in fact consult Prowlie on somethings. She offered to let me be a Director as well, I said okay and did as any runner of the community did... I built up ideas, made rules, etc. Not because I was trying to steal power away but Slavork is correct :) Prowlie could have also added anything she wanted at any given time. She had the wiki passwords and full access to everything, she just never chose to edit. Her choice, not ours. I was made director and I intend to well, do what a director does and direct operations not wait for anothers opinions before it's public.

2006-07-11 [Paz]: [The Third Eye]: Actually this community is supposed to be more laid back than the others :P We need rules and some amount of strictness to keep the troublemakers in line (relatively). If we just let everyone run amuck and do what they wanted the site would be filled with people who essentially steal videos, harass people and break the rules. We don't "control" the place. In fact [Hedda] does, he has the programming, he decides whether or not this place gets made and he works with the hardware. If anyone really owns Film Lovers, it's him. We just run it

2006-07-12 [Stephen]: Wow, reminds me of early rrpg...

2006-07-12 [og_ghost]: laffo@early rrpg

2006-07-12 [Teufelsweib]: and a place where movies can be uploaded, there need to be some strict rules. if there's the chance that movies can be stolen without any hesitation, no one would be willing to upload any movies there anymore.

2006-07-13 [Stephen]: Not to burts bubbles but.. there are ways that the movies can be stolen easily, no matter how strict you are. I have an extension that allows me to download any media on the page with my firefox, even something as simple as that could be used to easily steal movies. O.o

2006-07-13 [Paz]: No, I'm very aware of that. The guards will obviously try their best to prevent this and we'll have to rely somewhat on reporters as well. No website is ever safe but we need rules just so members are aware that they cannot run amuck uploading crap like on youtube

2006-07-13 [Azuri]: *nods to both slavork and paz* like I said no offense to you two and I think youve both done excellent jobs. If you need a beta tester*wink wink nudge nudge* Im there. Also on the whole helping not to have things stolen Ive got a questions. Applications to the site will have to be accepted by a person rather than auto accepted right? I figure this will help to cut back on mulit houses and theift somewhat.

2006-07-13 [Stephen]: Alright. :) As long as you know.

2006-07-13 [Teufelsweib]: yes, the applications will be checked before they're allowed on the site. thanks anyway ;) and thanks again that you're willing to help out as beta tester, we'll let you know when we can use you ;) (help is always wanted!)

2006-07-13 [The Third Eye]: Hmmmmm, I listen to your reasoning, but I still sense a bit of a cold shoulder to newcomers, I still feel that there´s a small group on here who are very subtle wth their orders and it just seems that this particular group are constantly looking down on all others, almost condescendingly, and aboloshing the ideas of ´lower´elftowners in the subtlest yet cruellest of manners...anyway, I´ve visited lots of other communities, most have a much more friendly atmoshere, an open hierachy and it´s generally a nicer place to hang out...*sighs* but I knew my words would not really have much of an effect, and would be rebuked on this wiki, still, doesn´t stop me trying...

2006-07-13 [Teufelsweib]: that makes no sense, we're only happy when we get some people to help out here. but is it that strange that we want people who will help us out and don't just spam the comment boxes with useless talk?

2006-07-13 [The Third Eye]: And as for your comments on [prowlie] not doing anything, has it ever crossed your mind that maybe Prowlie is too intimidated and afraid of angering any of you SHOULD she try to change something? The only time I´ve seen her stand up to you guys was with the Azuri thing, somewhat like a last stand...maybe you guys should try to chill out a little, maybe then you´d hear the voices of people who just aren´t as confident as the rest of us...and maybe then I (and others) may actually enjoy coming and working on this wiki more, it would be fun again, not a chore...p.s I meant it whn I said you guys are intimidating, you reeeallly are, ´m surprized I had the guts to say any of this *gulps*

2006-07-13 [The Third Eye]: ...and my opinion is useless talk...I undersand...I´ll try to refrain from exposing apologies

2006-07-13 [iippo]: Yet once more: this wiki is not a community. You can't know how this community works and acts because this community does not yet exist, it is only being made. all ideas are welcome, not all will be found useful, doable or good, but they are all given consideration. There are hidden planning pages to this community where people are working on it, and i you want to help, you can contact the working people (Paz?) and be invited to those pages to help with the community.

2006-07-13 [iippo]: And out of curiosity, what is the worst thing that these intimdating people can do to you?

2006-07-13 [Teufelsweib]: besides forgetting about Prowlie since she never was around, what intimidating things have we done til now then?

2006-07-13 [Teufelsweib]: if you say that we'll neglect your opinion, then why do you write it down here? because you know we won't and we will read it! and yes, we do read it and as you can see I DO comment against it. and why apologize for something you've done 1 minute and 10 seconds ago? don't contadict yourself.

2006-07-13 [Paz]: If you have any issues you know you can always message one of us :) And as iippo said, how are we intimidating? The only thing we do is write stuff down and create ideas. If we do not think an idea works we will say it doesn't and get on with it. Prowlie had nothing, absolutely nothing to intimidated with us. If she was she could have mentioned something to me, I do not bite and Prowlie asked me for my help in the beginning, she could easily agrue with me, she just didn't

2006-07-13 [The Third Eye]: Oh, you may not bite physically, but words sure as hell can sting, rejection especially. Ever tried not being so blunt and breaking news to a person in a softer, gentler, KINDER manner? Most people who are very intimidaing don´t even KNOW that they´re intmidaing,. Intimidation isn´t being spiteful, insulting, or cruel, it´s when you deliver what your saying in such a powerful blow with absolutely NO hint of considering counter opinions and no compromise either. And THAT is what I think is going on here...and as for my little apology earlier? Well, I felt a touch of regret and remorse, like that you get when you´ve done something in the passion of the moment then feel bad afterwards.... 

2006-07-13 [The Third Eye]: ...and wanted to try setting things on slightly better terms with you guys. I´m not preaching to try to spark arguments, I do´t want to be your enemy, nor you to be mine. I just want to give the other, not so prestiged, more afraid, more quiet Elftowners a bit of a voice, others agree with me, they messaged me, but didn´t post, because like I said earlier, you guys ARE intimidating.

2006-07-14 [Stephen]: I'll say something in person's defense: Some members can be intimidating. I used to not want to talk to [Sunrose] because she seemed bitchy and scary. What can she do to me? Nothing directly. However, she could ban me for being annoying or getting her mad, and thus cut off contact with a bunch of friends, and cut me from any important anything I have on wikipages. (I know she can't really do that, nor would she, but I didn't know that before I became crew myself on Elfpack.) btw: No offense to Debby, she is an awesome person, and that's why I used her as an example.

2006-07-14 [Paz]: I'll give you that but we're not going to ban anyone for this argument :P And I sent a PM to the member because commenting here is a tad unncessary.

2006-07-14 [Stephen]: Well, I'm happy. I just wanted to say that. =oP (I know your not going to ban anyone... you couldn't if you wanted to. It's an example. ;)

2006-07-14 [iippo]: I don't do small talk nor sugar coating in RL either, simply because I can't. o.O I am not able to soften anything I say to people, because I don't know what they want to hear. I know this is a national habit in many places, but not in Finland as far as I know. And it was really confusing going to England and have the teachers tell me "right, this is good but would you consider doing this instead?" I was thinking "if this is good, why do they want me to do something else" before I realised that "this is good but" means "this sucks do something else." And when planning something in a large group, it's best to be as clear as possible, without subtlety (because not everyone picks that up)...

2006-07-14 [iippo]: ...or emotions getting mixed in the job. And sometimes I have made some great friends because we argued about something online. So just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that they have any kind of emotional opinion about you (like/hate). And some arguments - like this one now - are useful, creative, constructive. Only when arguments get personal is when they become destructive.

2006-07-14 [Firenze]: Not all the time does it mean that [iippo], sometimes they actually mean it is good but you need to tweak it a little more to make it better, not everytime does it suck :P

2006-07-14 [Teufelsweib]: it's so subtile, you never know what they mean ^^

2006-07-14 [iippo]: I didn't realise you went to my uni. o.O Ah well it was just an example of how sugar coating can cause confusion instead of something constructive. And in the net it's even worse because here you don't have tones of voice, and not everyone is speaking their first language either. So clarity is of importance.

2006-07-14 [Firenze]: I know, we English are a confusing bunch :P But it is our lingo and that is how we talk, we have many meanings for different sentences and phrases ^_^

2006-07-15 [The Third Eye]: lol, o.k, I´m happier about this now, and my ultimate conclusion is this; you can´t be TOO blunt, and you can´t be TOO soft, you need the perfect combination of BOTH in order to be a good leader. I still think you guys should be a liiiiitttle gentler, but I´m not telling you guys to start sugar-coating everything, just be a little gentler, because in the same way that sarcasm can strike like a ton of bricks when said in a certain way, your decisions can to. So yes, clarity is important, but not in vast blows, and compassion is the perfect balance to clarity. And I have to agree with [Firenze], not all ideas suck entirely, so it´s best to tweak the original idea, to get the overall best

2006-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: I must admit that I can be sarcastic, it's my nature. but I'm glad you seem to have made a conclusion. and I will try to be a little less blunt from now on. I'm glad this is solved :)

2006-07-15 [The Third Eye]: Oh yes, and I have finished debating this out now (I really am sorry if I was frustrating, I just wanted to let he leaders understand how I feel, in the hope they would tweak something, so that what they say wouldn´t appear as offensive) My only request: Please, try to see it from another person´s view, and strife for that perfect balance of clarity and compassion. (p.s, Paz, I will reply soon, but I´m currently being thrown off the computer, so I only had time to reply here) Thanks for listening, and I´ll stop babbling now :) Oh, and is there any chance I can join this community now? lol

2006-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: of course you can join in :) first by adding your name to the list here above ;) and since you already seem to have a message conversation with Paz, ask her and you'll get the links needed.

2006-07-16 [Paz]: Yes, you have to message me because you also need to be added to the forum :P

2006-07-16 [Stephen]: The quite inactive forum, might I add. ;)

2006-07-17 [Paz]: lol :P Unlike RRPG we don't really debate

2006-07-17 [Stephen]: Well, you don't have as many features as we do to debate over. :P

2006-07-17 [Stephen]: Maybe I'll stir up some excitment in the FL forum.. :P

2006-07-17 [Paz]: hahaha XD Good!

2006-07-17 [Azuri]: yay forumage <3 ish good stuff

2006-07-18 [Paz]: It's good to actually see some replies :P (hopefully they're not from the council forum)

2006-09-14 [Blaithin]: Should we export this page? Then maybe some people who aren't ET members can add their support.

2006-09-15 [Paz]: Done :P I thought I had already done that actually xD oops

2006-09-15 [Stephen]: Sheesh Pazzle, you're way behind. :P

2006-09-16 [Paz]: Aren't I always? xD

2006-09-20 [Stephen]: Yep.:P

2006-10-25 [Hedda]: Some quick notes:

On MusMakers you can upload videos. No problem. The UI is not as good (or bad...) as on YouTube though.

This idea is still having a show-stopper: I'm not convinced that a lot of new people will join it. I'm not at all interested in a site that is only attracting Elftowners/Elfpackers. Then I just can extend these sites.

So what do I need? Basically something like: "My international movie-association with 20 000 members want a community and this is what we want!". Otherwise you have to have had a threesome with Madonna and Jonny Depp or something like that...

2006-10-25 [Blaithin]: Madonna? Yack, Kate Beckinsale sure ;P

2006-10-25 [Teufelsweib]: but they both are above the 40 ;-;

no, but I understand it. I'm trying to find possibilities to advertize it outside elftown, but besides spamming forums on with the link there are only personal sites with very few viewers who I got so far to post a link when the site is up :/

2006-10-25 [Paz]: We could try youtube (using their site for our benefit) but I don't have the best facilities or equipment to film anything interesting. I can make a slide show type thing with Windows Movie Maker but other than that I'm low on my talents :/

We could use dA too because they don't offer sound for their videos we can use that against them and attract members.... it's worth a shot. (Damn my time is so restricted >.<)

2006-10-25 [Hedda]: Well... Become famous first, and then I'm convinced that you can attract a lot of new people ;)

2006-10-25 [Blaithin]: Ok...Who wants to go streaking at the next local sporting event?

2006-10-25 [Paz]: Oh but I plan to become famous ;) It might take a few years of schooling but I will be in the credits of films ("Produced by: Paz")

I'll streak the superbowl! :P So...

2006-10-26 [Teufelsweib]: I don't know any famous people, only some underground metal bands who don't really like making movies that are without flying bodyparts I'm afraid...

we could try to make a film-lovers movie sometime though :) at least, I could try so...

2006-10-26 [Paz]: lol :P Maybe we can let them post only with severe warnings everywhere (just for more attention of course). xD I only know famous people through that "six-degrees of separation" thing unfortunately.
Some famous hockey guy's son goes to my school :S But that's it.

It's worth a shot ;)

2006-10-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: We could do something based on an urban legend, or something, the promotial thing they did on Saw 3 was pure genious. Anyways, I'm sure I could manage to make a nice promotion-video, at least if I can manage to interest some of my film-geek companions, wouldn't count on it though.

2006-10-26 [Paz]: The Saw 3 commercial? :/ It actually made the movie look really good (and the in the fist minute of the second one I was grossed out). It's worth the effort and try ;) I would definately make something... even if it's just a slide show sort of thing.

2006-10-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: The Youtube one, you know, when Jigsaw speaks directly to the viewer. "Hello. Are you watching me on YouTube? Good. I'd like to play a game." Pure genious.

2006-10-31 [Draco Dralion]: Well, it's been a while since I came to Elftown now. I even didn't write my friends here, it's just sad. The reason is that I'm really busy. You know, school and all. But then again, I'm studying digital animation, so why not making a short for movie-wood? Well, I would love to and perhaps I can combine it with school. But this is really unsure though. Perhaps it would help a lot if someone can give me some ideas for a commercial for movie-wood. Be specific though. I will see what I can do, but as I said, I'm really busy. I prommise nothing!

2006-10-31 [Teufelsweib]: wow, that would be so great! :D
I'll try to think up some ideas, but since I'm right now busy with preparing myself for a trip to Rome for a week (and then I can't be here at all..) I'll try to come up with something in the mean time :)

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